5. Escrow frontend

The escrow frontend is a standard web application based on Node.js and React. In the frontend, all the pieces are connected together to support the complete functionality provided by the escrow dApp.

5.1. User interface

The user interface is defined here in the EscrowUI function. It is implemented following the frontend design document. It looks as follows:


All the UI components interact with the modules contained in the contractEndpoints folder, where the main class and necessary datatypes are defined.

5.2. Main class

Our approach is to define a single main class EscrowEndpoints that is in charge of providing the complete end-to-end flow for every dApp operation and also for providing the information we want to show in the user interface.

To instantiate we call:

  • connect(walletName: "nami" | "eternl")

At instantiation, a contract instance is activated in the PAB by using the ContractEndpoints module. Also, a connection to the budget service is initialized, and Blockfrost is queried to obtain the protocol parameters and create an instance of the balancer.

Other important parameters are taken from the environment using the getEnvs function:


  • REACT_APP_BUDGET_URL: Budget service URL



Once instantiated, the available methods are:

  • start(sp: StartParams)

  • cancel(cp: CancelParams)

  • resolve(rp: ResolveParams)

  • reload()

Methods start, cancel and resolve corresponds to dApp operations, so they all follow the same implementation pattern:

  1. Obtain an unbalanced transaction from the PAB by calling doOperation of the contract endpoints.

  2. Balance the transaction by calling fullBalanceTx of the balancer.

  3. Sign and submit the transaction by calling signAndSubmit of the wallet.

Last, reload method returns the list of escrow than can be resolved by calling reload of the contract endpoints to get the observable state.

5.3. Parameters

As we are using typescript, together with the main class, we define dApp specific datatypes. A first group of types is defined in parameters.tsx and is used to build valid parameters for the endpoint calls:

  • StartParams

  • CancelParams

  • ResolveParams

The type definitions must match the format expected by the PAB, as defined in the Haskell interface and described in the endpoints specification document.

Together with the types, we define Haskell-style “smart constructors” to be able to easily build the parameters from the primitive javascript types used in the HTML forms.

5.4. Observable state

Another group of types is related to the observable state provided by the PAB and the information displayed in the UI.

The type PABObservableState represents the observable exactly as returned by the reload method of ContractEndpoints, and therefore it must match the JSON format of the observable state field returned by the PAB’s status endpoint.

For the escrow, the observable state has the Haskell type [UtxoEscrowInfo] which has a default JSON serialization by deriving the ToJSON class instantiation.

In the frontend code, we choose to parse the PAB’s observable state and return a more UI friendly type ObsState, defined as a list of objects of type EscrowInfo.